The ultimate selective herbicide for early control of broadleaf weeds in new and established pasture.
Product Group: Herbicide
Active Ingredient: 300g/L MCPB, 20g/L MCPA and 10g/L Flumetsulam
Formulation: Soluble Concentrate
- Controls a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds including buttercups, twin cress, black nightshade, chickweed, hedge mustard, thistles, stinking mayweed and storksbill
- Is suitable to use in both new and established pasture species
- Clover and grass friendly – allowing early weed control
- Is a convenient all in one pre-mix, liquid formulation making it easy to measure, mix and use.
Tribal Gold contains a unique co-formulation of MCPA, MCPB and Flumetsulam which was developed specifically for NZ pastoral farmers after Nufarm noticed a common trend in weed species in pasture renewal programmes.
Local trials showed this combination of active ingredients consistently provided the highest level of early broadleaf weed control in new pasture prior to the first grazing.
The key difference with Tribal Gold over other MCPA/MCPB mixed formulations is the broader weed spectrum. By combining Flumetsulam in the mix we are able to control a large number of additional seedling weeds that are not normally controlled by traditional formulations.
Outstanding Weed Control
Tribal Gold gives outstanding broadleaf weed control in new pastures. Seedling weeds controlled include: buttercups, black nightshade, chickweed, cleavers, docks, fathen, fleabane, hedge mustard, mayweed, mallow, plantain, redroot (amaranthus), shepherd’s purse, spurrey, storksbill, thistles, twin cress, willow weed and wireweed. Tribal Gold also displays outstanding weed control without killing young clovers. Some temporary clover suppression may occur, but recovery is rapid.